More and more people have gradually realized the importance of beauty care. Cleansing, hydrating and anti-aging should be taken care of in regular face care. People’s face skin would always expose to the sun and the polluted environment directly, that’s why we need to make a cleanser to wash off the impurities and bacteria from the face skin. After cleansing, we will pick up the serum, toner, lotion to supply moisture and nourishment to the skin face. The sunscreen is the last step for basic daily skin care to protect the face skin from the damage of sun and radiation. Daily basic face care would help us always stay at a good skin care condition and delay aging.
Face Cream
Face Cream
Face Lotion
Face Lotion
Face Oil
Face oil
Face Serum
Face Serum
Face Toner
Face Toner
Skin Care Set
Skin Care Set
Spray & Mist
Setting Spray
Setting Spray
What Makes Xujohn Your Reliable Face Care Manufacturer?
Face care solution
When we talked about face care, we would think of cleanser, serum, toner, lotion, face oil. and cream. Xujohn can provide these face care products according to the main efficacies or the skin type to custom the best face care products which can fit your positioning market best to support your company to win the face care market.
Face care formula
Zero allergies, least irritation, safety would be the principle for Xujohn’s face care formula. All formulas are in accordance with international legal and regulatory. Most formulas’ ingredients are coming from the extract of plants and fruits, which is no any harm to our face skin but with a powerful effect to hydrate and repair, our face skin problems suffered.
Face care packaging
An appropriate face care skin packaging would help you open your market. And we can supply all levels and all kinds of packaging. Xujohn always stays at the forefront of the face skin market, we knew exactly how to make the package to fit the market positioning. We would custom the face skin care package within your budget cost with various packaging solutions.
Face care market
Xujohn’s face care market is global and Xujohn’s MONDSUB brand has already registered in 56 different countries, and also win a good reputation in these countries. The demands and requirements for the face care products in different countries that Xujohn has rich experience to handle. No matter countries’ market you are doing then we can provide solutions for you.